Monday, December 31, 2012

Why 2013 is Going to Be Different....

I am giving myself until 11:59pm to type this and get everything I want to out. At which time I will post it and be done with the negativity. Please hang in there. I'm sorry. I promise happier days are coming in my posts....

I want this to be a happy post. Filled with things I have done this year. The things I am proud of. My hopes for the new year. But it can't be. Tonight I feel sad, annoyed, overwhelmed, livid. The fact is that I have been walked on for far too long. I have been suppressed one too many times. And I can't keep living my life to please everyone else anymore.
It makes me mad that I'm spending my New Years at home, bitter, and disappointed that I have to be the adult in no less than two MAJOR situations in my life. Even though I'm the youngest person involved. Thank God for my mother whom I love more than anyone in the entire world. And my sister who, although sometimes we fight, I know always has my back.
This year has been one of my hardest ever. I have suddenly lost my best friend, came an hour away from losing my father, I have now quit my job because I shouldn't have to live the way I was and in turn lost all of the children I was basically helping to raise and loved so very much. I have a major happy thing happening in my life in the next three weeks and dammit I'm not going to let anyone take that away just because they don't have the gumption to realise life is beautiful.

Recently I have been watching a lot of Lost. It's on Netflix and I decided that I was going to watch all 6 seasons. In the first episode Jack allows himself 5 seconds to be scared. I'm giving myself 5 seconds to be scared, angry, sad, bitter, annoyed, betrayed, sit down and take it Kylee. Then I'm going to pick myself up, get tough and get on with my life. IT'S MY TURN!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Blogger Day of Silence

On Tuesday, December, 18th there will be a blogger day of silence dedicated to the Sandy Hook victims. Bloggers will post a button and that is it.

But for now a few more tiny faces to pray for....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Names and Faces....

Today the names and faces of the littlest victims were released. They were all 6 or 7 years old. It makes me want to cry, scream and pull my own hair out. So many beautiful little lives lost so absolutely senselessly. As you read the names and view the pictures below I ask that you say a little prayer for each beautiful child and their families that are no doubt needing all of the strength others around the world can give them.
The fallen are....
Charlotte Bacon, age 6
Daniel Barden, age 7
Olivia Engel, age 6
Josephine Gay, age 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, age 6
Dylan Hockley, age 6
Madeleine Hsu, age 6
Catherine Hubbard, age 6
Chase Kowalski, age 7
Jesse Lewis, age 6
James Mattioli, age 6
Grace McDonnell, age 7
Emilie Parker, age 6
Jack Pinto, age 6
Noah Pozner, age 6
Jessica Rekos, age 6
Avielle Richman, age 6
Benjamin Wheeler, age 6
Allison N. Wyatt, age 6

Friday, December 14, 2012

Today is Not A Happy Day....

Yesterday I took the first step in attaining one of my biggest life goals. But today is not the day for that. I cannot even be excited for myself when I think about what transpired in Newtown, Connecticut. I feel like I have been stripped of my happiness and euphoria today.

Today is most definitely not a happy day.
Today is a sorrowful day.
Today is a tragic day.
Today is a day of mourning.
Today is a day of lost innocence.

Today is a day of 20 children being gunned down at school.
Today is a day of 5 year olds gasping for their final breaths crying for mommies and daddies as they expire.
Today is a day where you rip a paper into 20 tiny bits to try to wrap your mind around the number 2-0.
Today is a day that you weep for everyone of those papers.
Today is a day of funeral plans instead of Christmas joy.
Today is a day of realization that evil is real.
Today is a day of breaking news and up to date reports.
Today is a day of scarred survivors.
Today is a day of sobbing presidents.

Today is a day to hold your children close and never ever ever let go........

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Getting Close to the Edge....

I am getting ever so closer.
Left foot, right foot. Left foot, right foot. Closer to the edge I go.
Will I jump?
Here I go....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I'm Standing on the Edge of a Great Precipice....

....and I'm afraid to move. If I step back I know I will be safe and comfortable forever. If I take another step forward I will fall into something unknown, scary, grown up.
And it frightens me to death. But it's something I have to do. Something I want to do. But GAHHHH! I'm so scared!
Anyways, sorry for being so deep with so few details. If all goes according to plan then I might have something to share by the weekend.
Hang tight! I know I am!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

November Health Update....

Here we go!

November 22nd- Got Remicade. Pretty un-eventful. They did a blood draw right from the IV so I didn't have to go to a lab the next day. YAY for less pokes! I got flushed after the Solu-cortef and the nurse was a tad worried but all was OK. She put it in my chart to watch for next time (Jan. 3rd). And she also put a hypoallergenic Tegaderm in my chart to try for next time.

November 29th- I had my docs appt. with Dr. A-S(Endocrinologist). It was a disaster. I was told that I was going to see her for my Hemachromatosis. She doesn't deal with genetic things. I had seen her years ago for a bit of high blood sugar so she just wants to do a follow up on that anyway so that means more bloodwork and fasting for it (ew). Anyway, I am now waiting for a dietitian appointment. Phew, docs....

Really? Is that all I had to update? I thought there was more.... Oh well.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Why I Am Feeling Especially Honoured This Week....

Last Saturday I received a comment from someone I have never met. It said that her name was Whitney and she was running in the Las Vegas Rock n' Roll Crohn's and Colitis Marathon. What's so exciting about this you ask? Lots of people were running you say? Well what I was absolutely flabbergasted by was the fact that she told me that she was going to wear my name at the race. WHAT!?!? MY NAME!?!? You mean someone actually reads all of the stuff I write down!?

Wow! Honoured (even with the Canadian spelling extra letter) is not a big enough word!

Here are a couple of pictures she sent me from the race.

Thank you Whitney! I'm so glad that I could inspire you!
Keep Smiling!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WEGO Hea- What? You Mean I Have to Start Naming These Posts By Myself Again?

Fun Fact: It usually takes at least 17 hours for food to make it through my digestive system(since I have started Remicade). I can tell you for a fact that today it only took 5 hours. This is A) My intestines becoming more efficient or B) Me being on the cusp of a flare. I'm hoping its the former(doubt it), but it's probably the latter(lovely *eyeroll*). And with all of the non health related crap going on in my life a flare is not something I need right now. Grrrr....

A full out health update comin' atcha this weekend(God willing). Lots of catching up to do from last month.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Just Kidding!

I'm not really gone! I think it has something to do with habit now but everyday posting just feels right. Nothing much to say. But I have changed the layout. What do you think? I do so love winter....

Friday, November 30, 2012

DAY 30: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 30 - Recap WHNBPM

Here we are. The end of the month.
I always get sad when things end. But I am happy I made it through. And that I won't be obligated to post every single night if I don't feel like it. And that I can get back to self-guided posts. I feel like I haven't updated personal stuff in well.... two months?! Has it really been that long that I've posted everyday?! Huh....

Let's recap shall we....
  • I discussed WHY I write about my health.
  • And also why my health is so weird.
  • I've told new doctors, nurses AND patients what to do.
  • I've virtually emptied my bag. Now I have to actually do it. :P
  • I wrote about how I inspire myself.
  • And also my belief in Karma.
  • I have designed the perfect doctor's office using Microsoft Paint. This is no easy task.
  • AND also the human body in the same program.
  • I sent a passive aggressive letter to my health.
  • I recounted the time before my diagnosis.
  • I made you laugh. (Hopefully :) )
  • I whined about shaving my legs.
  • I wrote a book review and the author published it here....
  • I used my body parts to create a soap opera.
  • I mentally packed for a potential trip to Orlando Florida.
  • I taught you all how to make your very own DIY Upholstered Headboard.
  • I have listed my strengths and weaknesses.
  • I realised I would be totally broke and in debt if I lived in the US.
  • I deeply contemplated both life and death and what would happen to my blog in the worst case scenario.
  • I tried to change society's perceptions.
  • I craved more spoons. (And Caesar Salad.)
  • I learned what a "meme" was and tried to recreate a few.
  • I revealed that I refuse to grow up.
  • I have asked for feedback. Seriously! I love comments!
  • And finally I regretted, ignored, absorbed and appreciated.
What a great month it has been! I am so thankful for my readers tonight and ask that if I take a few days to myself you don't get too upset. The health ramblings shall continue soon. I promise. Stay tuned....

Thursday, November 29, 2012

DAY 29: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 29 - Write about the unexpected blessings of your health conditions....

When I was little I used to fear getting sick. Colds or a 24 hour bug, I hated getting sick. The first time I really realized that you could have an "illness that stuck" around longer than the average two week cold was when my Aunt got breast cancer. I watched her fight for months and months and that's when it really clicked that someone can get really really sick. Fast forward to today all I see are shots, pills, IVs, tests and doctors appointments. I truly understand now.
This is one blessing that having chronic illnesses has taught me. Not everyone gets to be healthy all of the time. You take what you get and you make the best of it. It's not fair but it's life.
I try to abide by the motto "absorb, ignore, appreciate".
Absorb the information you need to know.
Ignore the downers that will ruin your positive attitude.
Appreciate what you do have instead of wishing for what you can't have.
Oh ya, and smile. Always smile.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DAY 28: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 28 - Write about how you deal with mean comments or bullies.

I don't have a problem with mean comments on my blog as I don't get too many and they are always positive. Thank you to everyone that comments. And if you haven't, go ahead. I love feedback and ideas. It gives me a chance to read your blogs and get to know you as well. Go! Comment now!

As for bullies or meanies in real life all you can really do is try to ignore them. Even if it's hard.
There will always be someone who THINKS that they are better than you or have more than you do or are more popular than you are. The thing is if you are happy in your life with your family, your friends, and who you are as a person no one can bring you down. So what if you are different? So what if you are sick? It's nobodys business but yours and your doctor's. And if someone thinks it's their business you can tell them to shove off because they were never really your friend or ally.
Other than that just smile. You never know when a smile will knock them down a few notches on the karma ladder. (And it feels pretty good too!)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DAY 27: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 27 - "I bet you didn't know...."

....that I never ever in a million billion trillion years want to grow up. When I think about adulty things my heart beats fast and I go into panic attack mode. These things include (but are not limited to) big responsibilities, big decisions, anything that I can majorly screw up, mortgage payments, car payments, anything that requires large sums of money, having to remember something very important, going to college/university and having adult conversations.
Why do you think I work with kids? Their problems are most often solved with either a timeout, an ice pack or a kiss. When's the last time you paid your cable bill with a kiss? Or your gas bill by giving the CEO of the company a timeout in the corner?
The point being that if I had the choice I would stay little forever. In a heartbeat.

Monday, November 26, 2012

DAY 26: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 26 - Make a chart/meme/poster and write about it.

These are the "memes" I came up with. Forgive my lack of writing. I have a lot on my plate tonight. If possible I will try to make up for it tomorrow.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

DAY 25: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 25 - Write about what you want to happen to your blog/community when you die.

What a good question. What would I like to happen to my blog if something happened to me? I suppose it would sit in limbo until someone deleted it right? If I'm gone then there would be no one to write on it. There would be no one to moderate it.
My friend Aly's blog is still up. She hadn't written on it in some time because she had started another one that I recently found out about and am currently trying to read through. When you talk to someone they will almost always respond. They always have that option. There's just something about reading through someone's life when you know you are going to hit the end one day and that is all that they will ever write. You can't ask them any questions. you can't praise them on a beautifully written post. It fills you with dread.
But if I were gone I wouldn't want my reader to feel this way. I would want them to smile.

So I guess if I was to not wake up tomorrow morning I would like my blog to stay exactly like it is when I pass forever so that many people after me can share in my optimism and better their lives.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

DAY 24: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 24 - "If I had more than 24 hours in a day...." (Or unlimited spoons or funds).

(and did not have to worry about health) I would....
  • Go to England and perfect my accent.
  • Go to Hawaii and lay in the sand.
  • Go to California and see a taping of Ellen AND The Big Bang Theory.
  • Go to Australia and swim with Nemo.
  • Set up a charity for those less fortunate.
  • Go back to school and become a doctor.
  • Or go to acting school and become an actress.
  • Write a book about optimism.
But the #1 thing that I would do?
  • Eat salad everyday. (I miss caesar salad more than anything.)

Friday, November 23, 2012

DAY 23: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 23 - How to take time for myself.

Put simply, I knit.
A lot.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

DAY 22: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 22 - Write about change.

I'm going to cover all angles here...

a) "To cause to be different."
Crohn's has caused my life to become different. I have to plan now. My life can't be a whim. I don't like change; never have, never will. Why fix an already good thing. And when I'm forced to give into change that's usually when I end up sick. Pro-stayingthewayitis!

b) "To exchange or replace with another; usually of the same kind or category."
I would like to be able to change society's attitude towards chronic illnesses. Not just the ones about my illnesses but of all illnesses. I wish people who didn't understand didn't accuse. For some reason everyone who isn't schooled about your illness thinks it's your fault. "You must be eating the wrong thing", "Such and such I know has that and they started such and such a diet and now they're fine" or my favourite "If I can't see that you are sick then obviously you're not that sick".

c) "To give or receive the equivalent of (money) in lower denominations or in foreign currency."
I don't like the new Canadian $20, $50 and $100 bills. They stick together when counting, they melt in a hot car and they don't smell like maple syrup. I was promised currency that smells like my Saturday morning breakfast. I am thoroughly vexed.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

DAY 21: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 21 - Advice for newly diagnosed patients....

Dearest new fellow Crohnie warrior,
I am going to give you a quick ten minute crash course on everything I wish a fellow Crohnie had told me when I was brand spankin' new to the CD game. In point form. Because who doesn't love point form when reading something quick?

• Don't underestimate what you were just told. Crohn's Disease can become very serious, very fast.
• Listen to your doctors. If you are very sick an this is why you have been lead to this diagnosis then they are just trying to keep you alive at this point.
• For goodness sake, take your meds.
• And take them when and how prescribed.
• Prednisone, while making you feel like Spider-Man AND The Hulk simultaneously and giving you emotions and cravings like a pregnant woman, will work wonders on your gastrointestinal symptoms.
• Coming down off of prednisone is horrible. The high fades; the symptoms return. You will most likely be put on a longer term drug by then. I promise it will suck in comparison.
• At this point you will hate your doctor.
• If/when this med doesn't work you may be put onto a biological drug like Remicade. Do it! It will change your life.
• Remicade will be a love/hate relationship.
• Go to the ER if you feel something is wrong. I went three times in a week and a half even after them insisting that I was fine. WRONG! I had an infection that would have been fatal if I didn't keep up on it.
• If it's not an emergency don't be afraid to "bug" or "annoy" your doctor. It's their job.
• Crohn's can happen anywhere from your gums to your bum. Other symptoms are likely. Tell your doc, it's probably related and fixable.
• Buy an iPod. Doctors offices are boring. And you're about to be visiting a lot of them. Or take up an easily portable hobby.
• You can choose to let CD define you, or you can say Hey! I have it. I have to deal with it everyday but it's just one aspect of me.
• Read "The Spoon Theory" ( )
• Laugh. I promise this will do you good. I double pinky promise! :)

This will get you started. But I'll keep you updated as I experience them as well. Stay tuned!

P.S. Oh ya! When your mouth swells up and your gums are inflamed eat freezies!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

DAY 20: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 20 - "A health moment I regret is...."

Before I tell you I need to let you know about the events leading up to my one event that started the downward spiral that is my non-existent health.

I've always been sick. I had tubes in my ears at 10 months old because I was one solid ear infection from birth. I had strep throat more times than I can remember including 6 times in the winter of '99. It was my own personal Y2K. I always got stomach bugs. Always got colds. My immune system seems to have left in utero never to return. Until a mid-September day in 2002. I had got home from school and spent my usual 30 minutes in the bathroom. But when I was done I was greeted by something rather alarming in the toilet (here comes the gross bit). And there staring back at me was a whole lot of blood. I panicked and the very next day I made a doctor's appointment. When there he hummed and hawed about what to do. I had been complaining to him for years and years about some very vague symptoms; diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, fatigue. But this was the last straw. He ordered a butt load(pun totally intended) of blood tests and decided to send me onto a gastroenterologist for a colonoscopy. Well being 12 years old the sound of a person putting a tube up your arse sounded horribly painful and incredibly embarrassing. So I did the blood tests (rather begrudgingly as most 12 year olds hate needles. If only I had known the pokes to come!) and when the doctor never called to say that they contained anything terrible or life threatening I let the colonoscopy go unperformed.
This is my biggest health regret to date.
I wish I had followed up with a specialist appointment and a colonoscopy when I was 12. I'm sure I wouldn't be as sick or have suffered as much since then if I had. I would have felt better. I would have had a better quality of life. I would have done better in school. I wish this most of all. But that was then and this is now. And I am thankful for every breath I get to take as of being diagnosed two years ago.

Monday, November 19, 2012

DAY 19: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 19 - Write about life and death.

"Death is for the dying...."
Unfortunately I have had too much experience with this concept recently. My best friend Aly committed suicide very suddenly on June 22nd. And I can't believe in three days it will be five months ago already. It seems like this morning that I was cheerily Facebooking her about camping and her upcoming birthday. The littlest thing can set off a memory of her. I think about her everyday.
Her death has also brought me closer to the realization that life is short. Delicate. Sometimes unlived. And with a chronic, potentially fatal if not taken care of disease (or two) you really appreciate everyday. I saw what her family had to go through and it nearly ripped me apart inside. It raised more questions than I can answer.
What would happen if I died tomorrow? I don't know. What would happen to my belongings? My car? I don't know. How would people remember me? As a good person? As a tragic, hopeless case of health disarray? I don't know. How would my family cope? I don't know. And what would happen to me?
This scares me most of all....

"Life is for the living...."
Life is beautiful. Life is amazing. Life is fragile. If you get a chance to live it. And I mean not just walking through the everyday like a mindless drone going to work, coming home from work, going to bed to work all day again tomorrow. But if you TRUELY live everyday to the fullest then you are making your life count for something. It can be the smallest things. Pick up a pinch of sand. How many grains are you holding? 100? 1,000? 1,000,000? And each of those little specks came from a bigger rock that has eroded hundreds and thousands of years ago. This sand could be older than your mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother's mother. If this doesn't blow your mind then you are not a full life liver.
Or a 1 year old baby taking his first steps. 365 days ago he wasn't even part of this world outside of his squishy little waterbed. And now he is just one step closer to having his own life, kids, career. It's all in the circle of life. Nants ingonyama bagithi baba! Sithi uhhmm ingonyama! Nants ingonyama bagithi baba! Ingonyama nengw' enamabala! Sorry, Lion King Circle of Life tangent....

But what I am getting at is if you are lucky enough to be given a life, as horrible or wonderful as it might be, it's still yours. Your loved ones that have passed will never get the chance. Aly will never get the chance. Somehow, in time, i have to try to be OK and make peace with that. So I will take the chance for her.
Today I choose to live!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

DAY 18: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 18 - "I want to change this about healthcare..."

After extensive thought both last night and all day today I've come to the realization that there's nothing I would change about the healthcare system in Canada.
I know a lot of people complain about wait times and doctor shortages but what they don't realize is that we have one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
For example, after a very quick google search I found that the average cost of a doctor's office visit can be anywhere from $50-$250 depending on where you live and the doctors rates. That's a lot of money! If you live in Canada, how much did you pay the last time you had to visit the family doctor? Nothing.
To put this in even more perspective here is an idea of what I would owe if I lived in the USA(and this is only the last 18 months)....

4 CT Scans: $4,971
2 MRIs: $5,516
3 Day Hospital Stay: $34,488

That's $44,975 before regular doctors visits, specialist visits, blood work tests which can cost up to $1,000 for specialized tests, drug costs....

This blows my mind! I can't even add all of the numbers up because it makes me physically ill to see what other people, some even sicker than me, have to go through just to see a doctor or just to get emergency care or medication or anything to help their bodies. It makes me sad.
It also makes me so happy and so thankful that I was born on Canadian soil and can reap the benefits of our free healthcare. As many problems as the Canadian government has I believe that free healthcare is one of the best things they have ever done.

And for that I am so proud, happy, exuberant, appreciative, glad, patriotic, excited, thankful.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

DAY 17 - WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 17 - My strengths and weaknesses post.

My weaknesses....

• I procrastinate. Not on everything and never on important things. Just some things.
• I whine. I try not to. And I really try not to on this blog but somehow I still manage to do it.
• I hate to clean. But who does really?
• I'm addicted to Netflix. $8 a month people! Who can pass that up?
• I eat too much junk food. When eating fruits and veggies hurt it's easy to get caught up in the sugary carb goodness.
• I don't check the iron levels on food.
• Sometimes I do check the iron and eat it anyway.
• I have absolutely HORRID veins. IVs are a nightmare.
• I worry. Too much. And usually about the wrong things.
• I am bad under pressure to try and write lists.

My strengths....

• I have the ability to see the good in people when others can't.
• I'm really good at crafts.
• I can laugh. At everything. You have no idea how proud of this I am.
• I can eat pop tarts, mini Ritz crackers and muffins like a champ.
• I can eat blanched carrots, broccoli and cauliflower like a champ too.
• I love my family whole heartedly. I would do anything for them.
• I have a strong stomach. Always a plus.
• I am really good at making lists.

Friday, November 16, 2012

DAY 16: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 16 - Use a picture or video to inspire a post.

It may be a bit unorthodox to post a tutorial on a health post month but I don't care. It says a picture that inspires me and there is nothing more inspiring than Pinterest. And, actually, it does relate to my health in the fact that I felt so good one weekend that I had enough strength to build it.
Here is my inspirational picture....

So I decided to make it for myself.

  • 50' x 40' 1/4 inch ply wood. (I was worried about getting the right size because I don't have a saw to cut it but the nice men at Home Hardware cut it for me. I had to buy a big piece but they cut it to the dimensions I wanted. I even got to keep the extra pieces which will come in handy later ;)  )
  • 1.5 metres of fabric. (I sprung for upholstery fabric to make it look better.)
  • 5 metres of batting. (You can do it with 3 but I wanted a more fuller look so I put an extra layer on. It was also on sale at Fabricland for only $3 a metre so that was a plus.)
  • Staple gun.
  • Staples.
  • A few large buttons. (I used 5 that I had laying around in my button box. And it doesn't matter the colour because you are going to cover them later.)
  • Needle.
  • Thread.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Two Flush Mount Brackets. (I didn't end up using them because of the way the studs are in my wall but you may want to use them.)
  • A few nails. (If you are going to stand it up like I did.)
Step 1: Lay the batting out on the floor in as many layers as you choose. I did three because the batting wasn't very thick. If yours is thicker you may need only one or two. And make sure you smooth them out very well so that your finished headboard doesn't have any bumps or lumps.
Step 2: Lay the plywood on top of the batting making sure you pull the batting taught underneath the wood and that you can see the batting around the edges of the wood.
Step 3: Trim the batting so that there is about three inches hanging out all around the plywood. Use the staple gun to staple the batting to the back of the ply wood. I cannot stress this enough, you need to pull tight before you staple and hold it tight while stapling to avoid buckles. I did the top, then bottom, then left, then right. It helps to keep it taught.
Step 4: Iron your fabric thoroughly.
Then employ steps 1-3 the same way to attach the fabric to the headboard. And you will be left with this....
And the front will look like this....
If you choose not to attach buttons then you can add the flush mount brackets or legs now. If not continue....
Step 5: Covering and attaching buttons. Get your button.
Step 6: Cut a circle of fabric about an inch bigger than the button.
Step 7: Thread needle around the outside of the fabric circle, place button in the middle, draw up edges around button and secure.




Voila! Finished button! Make 4 (or however many you are making) more....

Step 8: Measure out where you are going to put the buttons and place staples into the board under where your buttons are going to be placed.
Step 9: Use your hot glue gun to glue the covered buttons on top of the staples you just put in. And you're done! Just attach the flush mount brackets to the headboard and the wall according to the instructions and hang. Or nail your headboard to two pieces of wood and stand behind your bed frame. Once your bed is pushed up against it you can't even tell that it's on posts.
Step 10: If you have enough fabric left over make yourself a fancy matching pillow. Thank you again Pinterest!
Try it out for yourself!