Sunday, May 19, 2013

Updates, Updates and....... Updates!

I feel like such a bad, terrible, horrible, no good, very bad blogger. I have been totally neglecting my readers and it makes me sad. And I'm not even going to try to say that "I tried" and "I was just so busy with school and homework and yadda yadda yadda...." because honestly, even though school is incredibly hectic, and stressful and everything you sign up for, I probably do still have time to blog. Maybe not everyday, or even every second day, but I know I should be able to be on here at least once a week updating my life. Not just for all of you but as a record for myself. Kind of like an electronic diary that I can look back at what I thought was important at one point of my life or another. I miss it....


Blog Makeover: I have made over the blog layout for spring and I tried a little something different with the header. Let me know if you like it. Personally I think it is a bit tacky but I have been assured it's good. Here's hoping. Also, the background is now a road because I am currently booking it down the highway of life at mach 328980945959492104 and boy does it feel good. I thought it tied in nicely with the corny header. *SIGH*

School: School is awesome! It's so fun, I can't get enough. I work ahead and even start studying different modules before the class starts studying them. I have poked a fake arm too many times to count now. I have about 27 tubes of water that I have drawn off of "Bobby" the fake arm (although we think his name should be "Armand"....) On Tuesday I get to do my first real draw! EEEEE!!!! I'm so incredibly nervous, excited and petrified at the same time! Am I qualified to do this? I don't know but I'ma do it anyway. We also did Capillary Puncture. It's when you take an incredibly sharp object and poke your finger with it and squeeze tubes of blood out, who knew? I've got Order of Draw down pat and what each tube contains and does, just not how many times to invert the tubes but that should come in time. Did you know that each tube has different effects on a blood sample? I do now! So great. I will update regarding my first REAL draw after I do it. Bobby says I'm smooth as silk but we shall see.

Health: Surprisingly I've had no really bad pain since school started in January. Mini flares but nothing a night of rice and Gatorade can't extinguish. I thought for sure all of the changes in schedule, timing and workload would send me for a good loop. It could not be more opposite. I'm so proud of my body for adjusting. Of course Remicade helps too. ;)

Work: work. It's daycare. It's tiring. Kids are hilarious. Same old, same old.

<- u="">Sidebar:
If you look over to your left you will see that I added a small ticker entitled "Kangoo kms. Counter". I have set myself a goal. By the end of summer I want to have jumped 100 kms. on my Kangoo Jumps. No real reason other than I need to exercise and if I don't set myself a goal and be accountable I will never get down to business. I started on May 3rd and I will be done before the first snowfall. Follow along if you wish. I'm at 10.3 as of tonight. I will update as I go along.
One last thing,
Happy World IBD Day!


Keep smiling! (And blogging. I really need to remember that one....)