Monday, March 16, 2020

What COVID-19 Means for Me....

Hello. My name is Kylee and this is how I left my house today.
You see, there's a pandemic of Corona Virus/COVID-19 occurring right now and it could become a very bad thing if I was to contract it. You say "you're young, you'll be fine, you're overreacting", well, actually, I'm not.
See, I have two autoimmune diseases. I take several immune modulating and immuno compromising medications. For people who don't know what these mean, it means that my body thinks that my gastrointestinal system and joints are invaders and send inflammatory cells out to fight these body parts and, in turn, it makes me very sick. I take medications to, very bluntly, turn off my immune system so my body has a fighting chance. Do you see the problem with turning off your immune system during a pandemic?
To make matters worse only one of my two autoimmune diseases are under control. This means a lot of medications and a lot of doctor's appointments. I've been on 6 different immunosuppressants in the past year, some of which are still in my system and some of which I'm still on.
I rely on you, healthy people, to keep me healthy on a daily basis. Herd immunity is a real thing for people who can't get vaccinated themselves. But this is too big. I'm sorry. I can't trust everyone else with my health this time. I can't guarantee that you've self-quarantined for the appropriate amount of time after your trip abroad or that you're not hiding symptoms as I stand behind you in line at the store.
I will be self-quarantining myself in my home for the foreseeable future. Today I had no choice. I had to pick up essential and 'just in case' medications. I had to fill up my car in case I need to get somewhere and am too sick to pump gas. All before it becomes too wide spread and I'll be forced to go without.
So do you think I'm taking things too seriously? Am I overreacting? I don't think so. 
#HighRiskCOVID19 #immunosuppressed #StayTheFHome