Friday, February 22, 2013

Long Story Short....

.... Iron is now too low. Discontinuing phlebotomies for two weeks. I am super white. Almost ghostly. And oh so tired.
Also my white cell count has plummeted for some reason. So it's massive hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipe city around here. It probably doesn't help that I'm currently fighting the SARS that has set in in my chest, the permanent pink eye that has set up residence in both of my eyes and the bladder infection that I am slowly losing the battle with. I see Dr. P. in two weeks and we will have lots to talk about. But until then I am sleeping.

Keep smiling and goodnight!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's A Great Day.... build a snow moose!
With one eye.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Such A Good Juggler....

What was I worried about? Four ball juggling is easy. I'm an awesome four ball juggler. I'm tired. Of course I'm tired. But what four ball juggler isn't.
Circus school....
Such a worry wart....

Keep amazingly juggling and smile!

*NOTE: I still can't juggle. That would be amazing if I had learned to juggle with four balls in less than 24 hours.

**Also, here is a picture of my arm. It would seem as though my Tegaderm/tape allergy is getting worse. Hmmmm....

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Maybe I Should Be In Circus School....

I have three balls in the air. I am juggling. Anyone can juggle with three balls. Three balls is easy. One in each of your hands, let go and throw it up when you must catch the third. It's when you add a forth that it begins to get complicated. Two in the air, two in your hands? One in the air, three in your hands? Just throw them all up and hope you can catch them before they hit the floor? Yes, four balls is very hard.

My three balls are as follows; my job, my schooling, my phlebotomies. Right now I am doing alright. I balance my throws so that I am only in fear of dropping one at a time. Then I catch it just in the nick of time and pay attention to the next free floating ball. This is the way you are SUPPOSED to juggle. And this is the way it is working for me. I three ball juggle very well.

BUT tomorrow I add a fourth ball. Tomorrow is the first Remicade after starting school. I go at 9 am and then go to school for 1 pm. I'm not sure how this is going to work. I feel horrible after my infusions and know I won't feel like going to school after. Thankfully it's computer week so I only have to stay until 3 pm (and not 5 pm). And I did most of my tomorrow's work today because I had a lot of extra time. Thinking ahead. That's how one juggles!

I hope I juggle four as well as three. Here's hoping a fifth doesn't soon join the mix!

Keep smiling and juggling!

*juggling is being used as a metaphor for this particular post. I can not juggle, three balls or four. But that would be very cool.