Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Recant Last Night's Post....

If you have a mosquito bite on the back if your heel you SHOULD scratch it because....
If you don't scratch it when it itches you will accidentally rub it on your pant leg.
And if you accidentally rub it on your pant leg it will become itchy at an inopportune time.
And if it becomes itchy at an inopportune time you will need to scratch it while you are busy.
And if you need to scratch it while you are busy you might try to rub it with your other shin.
And if you try to rub it on your other shin you might lose your balance.
And if you lose your balance you might step back and schmuck the side of your ankle on the bottom of hardwood stairwell.
And if you step back and schmuck the side of your ankle on the bottom if a hardwood stair it will hurt a lot.
This I know from experience.