Saturday, August 4, 2012

100 Posts/Things I Love and/or Hate....

I hate Crohn's Disease.
I love Crohn's Disease.
I hate the way it makes me feel.
I love that I finally have a diagnosis.
I love that I can put a name to my pain.
I hate pain.
I hate the bathroom.
I hate diarrhea.

I love Prednisone.
I hate side effects.
I love how it takes away the pain.
I hate that it is not a permanent fix.

I hate Imuran.
I hate it's side effects.
I hate it's lasting effects.
I hate that it didn't work.

I love Remicade.
I hate Remicade.
I love that it works for me.
I hate that it involves shots and IVs.
I hate the short term side effects.
I love that they are short lived.
I hate the drug companies for making it so darn expensive.
I love the government for letting me be pain free.

I hate the idea of surgery.
I hate that it will most likely come to this.
I hate Crohn's Disease.

I love my job!
I love my kidlets!
I love the fact that they can be so carefree.
I love that they can make me smile when I'm sick.
I love that they can make me laugh when I am sad.
I love that I can fix "boo boos".
I love that I am the master of "ouchies".
I love them all like I would love my own children.
I hate poopie diapers.
I love that poopie diapers don't fase me.
I love my job!

I love my friends.
I love my family.
I love that I recognise how lucky I am to have these people.

I hate that my best friend is gone.
I hate that I couldn't recognise the magnitude of her pain.
I hate that she didn't call me for help.
I hate that I didn't visit her in February.
I hate that I was too busy for her.
I hate that every time I hear the word "suicide" it drudges up memories and her.
I hate that I wasn't there for her.
I love you Aly.
I love that this has brought me closer to my old friends.
I love that I will never take anyone for granted again.

I love that this list is about to get very random....
I love Kraft Dinner.
I hate the Kraft Dinner doesn't like me.
I hate pointless Facebook requests
I hate that I will go back, delete and re-write something I've written if it's not right.
I love The Big Bang Theory
I love that I find a lot of Sheldon in myself.
I hate that I am so OCD.
I love reading other blogs about people going through the same things as I am.
I hate that so many are hurting even worse than me.
I love the amount of optimism in these peoples hearts.
I love Toddlers & Tiaras, Dance Moms and Disney Movies.
I love that I can admit that without even blinking an eye.
I hate that I didn't try harder in High School.
I love Josh Groban music.
I love my little green car.
I hate that I can't eat many fruits and veggies.
I love giving.
I hate people who look down on others, perhaps less fortunate than themselves.
I love knitting and crocheting.
I hate rap music.
I love vanilla Oreos.
I hate waking up early in the morning.

I love helping others.
I love that I strive for my best.
I hate that my best often doesn't feel like enough
I love that I can be silly.
I hate I don't have enough life experience.
I love that I have courage.
I hate that I'm easily scared.
I love that I am funny.
I hate that I am too shy to show it.
I love my creativity.
I hate that I can't hide my emotions.
I love that I can't hide my emotions.
I hate that I think I cry way too much.
I love that I can cry it out.
I love that the people in my life let me cry it out.
I hate that I'm afraid of stress.
I hate that I'm afraid to go back to school.
I hate that I'm afraid to commit.
I love that I am resilient.
I love that I am strong.
I love that I have morals.
I love the person I have grown to be.

I love that I have a blog to vent.
I love when others comment.
I love that I made it through this list.
I love my life!