Monday, January 7, 2013

Why I'm Now Going British....

And no it's not because of Hugh Laurie, David Beckham OR *SHUDDER* One Direction. Although the first two options run a close second and third. But no. The reason why I'm going British is because I saw the dietician today and apparently I need to drink more tea.


I HATE tea. With a passion. Almost as much as I hate coffee. Tea is still better than coffee. But I still don't like it. At all. Ever. Except the occasional Timmie's Apple Cinnamon Tea. That's the absolute only exception to the "no tea shall cross Kylee's lips" rule.

UNFORTUNATELY my dietician told me today that I need to drink it. Ugh again. She said that if you drink tea with high iron containing foods it helps to inhibit iron absorption.


It couldn't be OJ that helps with the iron issue? Nope! Au contraire! It actually goes the opposite way. Orange juice (due to the high Vitamin C concentration) helps to absorb iron. Which, due to my Hemachromatosis, I don't need.

Bloody Hell....
My health is a bloomin' mess....

P.S. A big update is coming. My life is so crazy right now. Ugh. Again.