Sunday, November 18, 2012

DAY 18: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 18 - "I want to change this about healthcare..."

After extensive thought both last night and all day today I've come to the realization that there's nothing I would change about the healthcare system in Canada.
I know a lot of people complain about wait times and doctor shortages but what they don't realize is that we have one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
For example, after a very quick google search I found that the average cost of a doctor's office visit can be anywhere from $50-$250 depending on where you live and the doctors rates. That's a lot of money! If you live in Canada, how much did you pay the last time you had to visit the family doctor? Nothing.
To put this in even more perspective here is an idea of what I would owe if I lived in the USA(and this is only the last 18 months)....

4 CT Scans: $4,971
2 MRIs: $5,516
3 Day Hospital Stay: $34,488

That's $44,975 before regular doctors visits, specialist visits, blood work tests which can cost up to $1,000 for specialized tests, drug costs....

This blows my mind! I can't even add all of the numbers up because it makes me physically ill to see what other people, some even sicker than me, have to go through just to see a doctor or just to get emergency care or medication or anything to help their bodies. It makes me sad.
It also makes me so happy and so thankful that I was born on Canadian soil and can reap the benefits of our free healthcare. As many problems as the Canadian government has I believe that free healthcare is one of the best things they have ever done.

And for that I am so proud, happy, exuberant, appreciative, glad, patriotic, excited, thankful.

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