Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DAY 27: WEGO Health's National Blog Post Month

DAY 27 - "I bet you didn't know...."

....that I never ever in a million billion trillion years want to grow up. When I think about adulty things my heart beats fast and I go into panic attack mode. These things include (but are not limited to) big responsibilities, big decisions, anything that I can majorly screw up, mortgage payments, car payments, anything that requires large sums of money, having to remember something very important, going to college/university and having adult conversations.
Why do you think I work with kids? Their problems are most often solved with either a timeout, an ice pack or a kiss. When's the last time you paid your cable bill with a kiss? Or your gas bill by giving the CEO of the company a timeout in the corner?
The point being that if I had the choice I would stay little forever. In a heartbeat.

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