OK, it's late at night and I am tired but I just wanted to get this off of my chest. Today while I was going through the Timmies Drive Thru little Miss "I'm so much cooler than you because I can tail gate the car in front of me and sneak in front of you when I am completely aware of the fact that you were there first but I still insist on flipping you the bird just to tick you off so that you'll go home and write a blog post about it", decides that I am the perfect target in her little plan to annoy the world into oblivion. Well lady (and your very ugly looking dog too!) I just want to let you know that what they say about Karma is true! I won a coffee on Roll Up the Rim! Suck on that!
And last but not least, Daycare Thought of the Day: Don't ya just love Fridays?