It's official! The first leaf has fallen! Imagine my surprise when on a walk with the kids, Vanessa(a two-year old who obviously doesn't know what a fallen leaf signifies) runs up to me and says, "Here Kylee! Here is a leaf for you!" To which I responded, "AAAAA!" and preceeded to throw it to the ground and take photographic proof. Let it be known. August 26th 2009, the FIRST official sign of Fall 2009. It was like that commercial that was on TV last year where she sees the leaf on the ground and starts screaming. I forget what it was for but I experienced it today!
I don't really like Autumn, but I have to get through it to get to my beloved Winter! Yes, you read that right, "beloved winter". I love the winter season! It's so beautiful and fun! Don't get me wrong, I love summer however....
1. In summer you can't build a snowman.
2. In the summer you can't throw snowballs at your little sister.
3. Most importantly, You can't slide down a 90 degree slope of a hill on a 1/4 of an inch thick tefflon pan! (in the summer ;) )
So, moral of the story, until it looks like this outside....

....I will not stop lobbying for snow. To end this post I am going to leave you with a video all about winter to get everyone into the Wintery mood! And it's sung by Jason Mraz, one of my favourite artists, EVER!!!!