I'm skipping the two choices for topics for the day which are "I don't know about this but I'd like to" and "A post about a conversation with your doctor" and using one of the alternate topics we are allowed to choose. Why? Because it intrigued me. There are many things that I'd like to know about. Let's face it, I'm no Sheldon Cooper. And there are many interesting conversations I've shared with many doctors. But I really want a chance to do this topic and I'm in the right mood tonight so let's take advantage of it. Saturday night FTW!
Kylee's List of Things She'd Like to Tell New Doctors or Nurses:
- I'm not a very outspoken patient. A lot of people aren't. If you're trying to get something out of me please ask specific questions.
- "So how have you been feeling?" is not a specific question.
- I understand more than you think. And if I don't you can bet I'm jotting it down on my mental notepad to go home and Google for three hours when I leave your office.
- Everything you just learned in medical school will probably be of no use to you when you meet me. I'm a complicated case. I've accepted it.
- To the nurse putting in my IV. If you haven't gotten it in in 4 attempts then it's not going to happen. A heating blanket won't help. And neither will digging it around in my hand. Let someone else try. Or call in that IV specialist. It's OK.
- If you give me a new medication I will take it. And take it as prescribed. If it doesn't work it's not for a lack of trying. Once again, I'm complicated.
- Yes. I do have a lot of allergies. No you can't put me on that. Or that either. Isn't there something else? I have no idea if I'm allergic to that. You're trying it? OK. Do you have a shot of Benadryl ready?
- Please please please please please please PLEASE! Redecorate your waiting rooms! I spend more of my life waiting on you then actually in your office. Blue is out. More neutral brown tones are more soothing. Also, upgrade your chairs so they are comfy. Your have no idea what it means to us patients.
- When in doubt, put me on steroids.
- When in doubt if putting me on steroids is a good idea I do not need a CT Scan. I've had three in the last 18 months. Plus more x-rays than you can count. If you give me anymore radiation I'm going to glow in the dark.
- It's not stress. I know stress. I also know how to handle stress. And I do it in my own way.
- I'm also not imagining symptoms. Sometimes your tests just don't work. Face it. And please don't just downgrade everything.
Just listen to your patients. We know our bodies. People with chronic diseases can usually tell if there is something wrong. Work with us.
And thank you for taking care of us.