Thursday, April 4, 2013

Like Clockwork....

It's no April Fools joke. April 1st, EVERY April 1st since the beginning of time my allergies kick into overdrive. I'm talking two to three sneeze in a row mornings to five to ten sneeze fits all day long. The occasional watery eye to the full on fiery rage of an inflamed and histamine filled tear duct. The subscript of an itch here or there to the unquenchable feeling of ripping open flesh!
You get the picture.
Anyway, moral of the story is don't take Benadryl before class or you might just fall asleep during the Endocrine System and have to scramble to Google to be able to finish your homework. Lesson learned.

P.S. I know I've been slacking with posting as of recently but the last five weeks have been an endless cycle of body systems, word lists to define, reviews to be completed and summaries to be written. Anatomy and Physiology, ugh. I promise I'll be a better blogger next week when I start Lab. Safety.

P.S.P.S. I got a copy of my latest labs from Dr. P and I plan on sharing them with you and filling you in that health way this weekend.