As the close of 2011 approaches I find myself reflecting on the major issues of 2011. Things that come to mind...
- Buying a car. I LLOOVVEE my little Green Ford Fiesta! This is definitely one of the biggest moments of my 2011 year. Buying a car is one of the biggest steps you can take in becoming an adult and the freedom it's given me in incomparable to anything else in my current life.
- Ending Prenisone/Entocort. This one was hard for me because I felt like someone was taking away my security blanket. When I was on them I was pain-freeand happy and going off of them I was afraid I was going to get very sick again and Imuran wasn't going to cut it.
- In contrast, going off of Imuran was also a highlight of my year. I was on it December 2010-December 2011 and let me tell you it was the year from hell! And I don't use that term lightly. I'm glad to be rid of it.
- Remicade was a big part of my year this year. Not even just the act and anticipation of GETTING it but the prep and all the red tape of getting government approval and funding. And that's not even the stress of making three hours available every 8 weeks with my busy job.
- Staying in the hospital overnight for three nights was a big event for me this year aswell. I've never had to do that before and believe me, I never have any ambition to do it again soon....
....just a few thoughts to round out my year. Happy New Year to everyone that should find this post. May 2012 find you well and prosperous. And I know you wish me the same too. To end off, here are some of my New Years Resolutions....