DAY 5 - Write a list of 3 things that you are thankful for/excited about/inspired by.
1. All of the gratuitous things everyone else is thankful for.
•This encompasses family, friends, health(or what I have left of it), money, a safe home, enough to eat, a good job, freedom, etc. Basically anything that other bloggers post as their three things I am lumping into this one thing.
2. My totally wicked awesome cool crafting skills.
•Seriously. I am so proud of the fact that at 22.5 years old I am so creative. Knitting/crochet/sewing/building/paint by number. Anything I try I'm usually successful at. It excites me. Not only can it be a second source of income for a bit of extra spending money but it gives me the opportunity to give back into the world and hopefully earn back some positive health karma. It also helps me get through tough times. And it's very relaxing. :)
3. Me.
•I am thankful that I am me. Through every emotional roller coaster ride. Through every painful test. Through every new and scary diagnosis. Through every life change I've had to make. Through every verge of mental breakdown. Through every laugh, cry, bad day, good day. Through every steroid induced mood swing. Through every day I dragged my half dead butt out of bed to fight through another day. Through every earth shattering loss. Through every euphoric gain. I am still me. And for this I am the most thankful.