I don't have TB! Yay! Not that I was in fear of having it considering I don't live in an area where it's prevealence is high. I just had to get tested because if you start on this new drug I'm going to be starting soon and you have it lying dormant in your body somewhere it can activate and like, I don't know, kill you or something. But I don't have it so that's awsome! My Remicade arrangment Lady called on Monday so I have to call her back tomorrow(totally fogot) and set up a time to speak with her. And I have to call to get a road test appointment for my G license. I will be busy tomorrow!
I suppose I'm incredibly lucky to even be writing this post tonight. I almost got mugged today. I was coming out of my local mall and waiting to turn left when I heard this loud tapping on my driver side window. It was a grungy looking guy, about thirty that looked particularly terrifying. I told him to go away(without opening a window or unlocking the doors, I'm not stupid!) but he kept gesturing for something. My guess is a ride(which I am obviously not going to give him, once again, not stupid!) or money(but he had a bunch of bills bundled up in his hand so I wasn't giving him any of that either). Anyway, the shaking of my head and wild hand gestures seemed to have scared him off because after about 30 seconds of this he flipped me the bird, dropped a few F-Bombs and continued on his way. All I can say for a final thought is, I'm glad I have automatic locking doors....