Goooooooooooood-bye Imuran! I won't miss the memory loss that you bring, the weekly/monthly blood tests you dictate, the tiredness that plagues me to no end, the irreversible liver damage, and the heart palpitations that were annoying me (literally) to death! We had a good 12 month run but it's not me, it's you. Now go and bug somebody else already....
Now ready for the real story? I went to my Gastro. doc. on Wednesday afternoon and she said that based on my last colonoscopy (September 29th) that I could stop Imuran. I was ecstatic at this! It's only been three days off of this medication and I already feel like a thousand bucks! I now take no more daily pills other than pain management drugs and anti-biotics as needed for infections.
She said that a year almost to the day before she couldn't even get the scope up far enough to finish the procedure and this time it passed through easily. She said that there is 1cm. of scar tissue around the 28cm. length section of my Ileum but it shouldn't cause me any issues if I stay on Remicade.
Which brings me to that. Remicade. She said we will continue with it. That's it. Easy in and out in 10 minute appointment. No fuss, no muss. Easy.
My final thoughts are this. I am glad I am staying on Remicade over Imuran. Imuran did nothing for me except cause me more pain and side effects. I am glad that hopefully my little Crohnsie Bit is going to remain dormant for at least a little while if not forever (hey a girl can dream can't she?). I am glad to be alive.
This is not me. It's dreadfully cold out here today considering it's winter in Canada.
This is just how I feel on the inside.